PickUp & Return

p&r main 2 1128x636pxThe “Pickup & Return” software has been developed as an industry solution for re-sharpening operations. At the same time, attention was paid to the problems of logistics, the intentionally simple recording and the information flow. More and more requirements for documentation and data collection have been included and can be automated. As a new feature, the communication with the sharpening machines can be integrated, which reduces set-up times further.


Sharpening cycle of the tools

The tools are picked up by a fi eld engineer or a parcel service and handed over to
the sharpening service. At goods income these are examined and measured. Afterwards,
the tools are grinded and a measuring protocol is generated. Finally, everything
is examined in the dispatch department and returned to customer.

Sharpening and Coating via external partners

If a service can not be performed at the company‘s own facilities, the tool may directly
be sent from the goods income dept. to an external partner for sharpening,
eroding or coating. Upon return, the tool goes to the dispatch dept. for fi nal examination
and dispatch.

werkzeugzyklus PuR


Driver / Pick Tool:
Tool detection is carried out via an ID (RFID or data matrix) and can be easily handled by simple parameter input, which is reduced to the minimum. All surfaces have a touch screen, which makes the input easier. With images the optical recognition is optimized even by rarely needed tools. Furthermore errors in the exhibit are avoided. Also customers information and additional work, that has to be done can be insert.

Tool registration in external service
Easy tool capture via mobile devices like mobile phone, tablet or notebook. Facilitate and speed up the collection of the tools for the field service.